Fu Ying, a former Chinese Ambassador and Vice Foreign Minister and presently the Director of the Center for International Security and Strategy and an adjunct professor at Tsinghua University and also a Vice Chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress, published an Op-Ed in the New York Times (November 24). Timed to coincide with Biden beginning the transition process as the US President-Elect, Fu Ying's article listed the various areas of discord and dispute between China and the US while making a strong pitch for "cooperative competition". Fu Ying has, predictably, been careful not to fault China in any of these disputes. She says, for example, that: each "must accurately assess the other’s intentions. China does not want to replace U.S. dominance in the world. Nor does China need to worry about the United States changing China’s system"; that "On the political front, it is high time that the United States drop its habit of interfering in other countries’ internal affairs. One hopes that Washington will learn from its unsuccessful interventions the world over, for example in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. America’s concerns that foreign forces might interfere with its presidential elections should serve as a good reminder of why other countries are so sensitive about U.S. intervention in their own domestic affairs"; "China finds it offensive when the United States points a finger at the Chinese system or takes action against Beijing for its policies on domestic matters. But China also needs to be more proactive in providing the rest of the world first-hand information about what the country stands for and why it is doing what it is doing"; and "The United States should be respectful of China’s sense of national unity and avoid challenging China on the issue of Taiwan or by meddling in the territorial disputes of the South China Sea" .....  "China’s growing navy has put some pressure on the United States in the western Pacific. The U.S. Navy, which has long claimed to be the dominant force in the region, finds the presence of a strong local military power today to be unsettling..." .

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